Return to The PC Program

The Deerwoode 10 – 10 – 2

PC For All

by Tim Stuart

Before he closed down the gym, he introduced a new modification of the PC Program — an aerobics program that would touch all the muscles in the body within about 10-20 minutes, while still incorporating the basic philosophies of the PC Program. PC used broomsticks, ropes, 2 x 4s, tarps, and other items Bill had readily available. While the 10-10-2 exercises do involve some light weights (that can be mounted on a broomstick) for the arms, for the most part they only involve specific movements. For maximum effectiveness, one must perform these movements smoothly and quickly and give 100% effort all the time.

Other than the work-ethic that he has instilled within many of us in the Deerwoode family, these exercises are part of Bill’s legacy to the world – a world sorely in need of personal physical fitness and energy.

Below is a listing of the basic exercises along with a page of modifications: